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2017Website Redesign
Focus Sales, LLC
Simple, straightforward product details and calls to action drive interest among those who prefer calling and emailing.

Project Overview

Focus Sales in East Haven, CT wanted a simple web presence. Their primary purpose for a website was to drive in phone calls and emails and didn’t want visitors spending much time on the website. The solution was to create something simple with several calls to action, but never with a feeling of overwhelm or pressure.

Focus Sales home page

The Work

The website was broken down merely into three sections: Home, Products, and Contact, easily accessible from the top navigation. Using Focus Sales’s signature teal blue found in the logo, the entire site was styled with playful on-load animations that draws in the first-time visitor and invites them to scroll to get more information.

The information provided, of course, was nothing more than the suite of products and services, some positive testimonials, and the contact information to request additional info or a quote. This was laid out clearly on the Contact page and via a contact form.

Five giant parallax images on the Products page convey the five major product categories with links to view specifics in a PDF.


The Results

Focus Sales saw ever-increasing web traffic and engagement since the debut of the redesign over their previous outdated look, and the site received several compliments from clients on its no-frills straightforwardness. It also ranked substantially higher on Google after positive SEO changes.

2024Internal Portal UX
Company Intranet